Leeann Rybakov is a Board Certified Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach. When it comes to health, there is no one size fits all. Leeann takes a personalized, multi-dimensional approach in working with clients to help them reach their goals. Although food and fitness are very important, overall well-being is so much more than what we eat and how much we exercise. At the root of it all is our happiness. What creates more joy than seeing the results of a personal commitment? Using the power of coaching, Leeann guides her clients to sustainable lifestyle behavior changes and in turn life long health.


Thank you, Leeann. The sessions I have done with you and the detox program in January were very powerful. I'm definitely feeling better and you have helped me a lot.
Luciana A.
I experienced a good and kind listener who made sure to hear where I am in my season of life. Leanne helped me to look at food and ingredient lists differently and to solve a few of my physical problems. I’m still working on things, but I am in a much better place than I was before.
Erica H.
I learned so much and was able to make changes on my routine and I feel so much better and have more energy! Thank you!
Thelma P.
Leanne was amazing and made a huge difference in my mindset and food making decision choices.
Jessica S.