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Road trip with kids: the gut edition

Traveling with kids, whether it is 15 minutes to the grocery store, or three days moving interstate, calls for some mental and physical prep.

The car seems to be my kids' cue to start fighting, which immediately sends my gut plummeting down to my knees. Not good for that digestive health, nor my sanity.

Last week we moved from SC back to NY. I knew I needed to prepare myself for our three day car ride, which included two overnight stays in two different cities.

Food: We packed a cooler with a few items: (Our hotel rooms had kitchens so I was able to use the fridge for the food, and freezer for my cooling elements)

-hard boiled eggs. That's right! No shame in my egg game. Eggs are the perfect source of protein and fat. I was able to peel two each morning for a healthy bite.

-Nut butter and banana english muffin sandwiches: these worked great for a quick small meal or snack.

-LOTS of healthy snacks for my kids. I admit to keeping my kids entertained with food sometimes.

-My Athletic Greens travel packs.

Movement: Since it was a wake up and go kind of situation every morning, I used any available time to move my body. Upon waking up I did some squats, push ups, stretches, and a lot of deep breathing. We walked as much as my kids’ little legs would permit. I opted to stand whenever possible, and shamelessly did a barre workout using a hand rail at the children's museum.

Stress: This was a BIG one. Should have put it at the top of the list.

-Gratitude every morning. It's amazing how different the day looks when you start with something you are grateful for.

-Meditation at any opportunity possible.

-Motivational podcasts during the drive. While my kids watched movies on their ipads, my husband and I listened to some amazing podcasts: This one was my favorite:

-Holy Basil-this was a game changer. Holy basil is an adaptogen that reduces the body’s response to stress. I had three droppers over the course of each day.


-I packed my Casper pillow. I never fly with my own pillow, but given that we were driving, I threw it in there.

-My bedtime routine

Mental prep:

-I had a pep talk with myself before we left. As someone who is very routined and controlling, allowing myself the space to just be was very important. “There is no emergency, and everything can wait. We just need to get to our destination safely”

Do you have a hard time staying on track with your health goals when you travel? Schedule a FREE wellness consultation HERE, and lets come up with a plan!

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