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My fave healthy cereal brands

Healthy Cereal brands. No procesed sugar. Gluten Free. Plant based. Vegan. No dairy
Healthy Cereal

I grew up eating Lucky Charms, Cookie Crisp, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Those were my favorite. My brother preferred Cocoa Puffs, so we always had those four in the house. Little did we know, what we thought was a great breakfast, was loaded with sugar in many forms, and illness causing additives such as food dyes. Traditional cereal is one of the worst things we can eat, let alone give to our children.

That’s why I don’t. My kids still like cereal for breakfast, and it makes my mornings a whole lot easier not having to prepare any elaborate meals. Here are the cereals we keep in the house. Kid tested, health coach mom approved. They are all healthy, gluten free, dairy free, and delicious.

Seven Sundays: I absolutely LOVE this brand. They have muesli, and a big variety of protein cereals. Our house old favorite is the sunflower cereal in Cocao, with Real Berry coming in second. Cacao has only 1g of sugar. It’s delicious with your favorite nut milk, or just as a snack on its own. Great for traveling. Use code LRWELLNESS for 30% off your first order.

Love Bird Cereal. This company was founded by a dad with a purpose to produce a cereal that would be safe for his daughter. This is your cheerios swap right here. They also have cocoa flavor, and our current household favorite, strawberry. Use code LRW10 for 15% off your order.

Real Cereal: If you love corn flakes and rice krispies, then this is the cereal for you. Except this brand uses organic non-gmo corn corn grits. Corn is one of those super highly genetically modified ingredients which is not good for our health. Real Cereal keeps it real with real ingredients. We recently made rice crispie treats, and they came out delicious.

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